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Call for paper – International Conference

International conference “[url=]Cities, territories and the struggles for human rights: a 2030 perspective[/url]”
[b]University of Padova, Aula Nievo di Palazzo del Bo, 26th – 27th November 2018[/b] [b]Panel track #3 Microfinance to Start-up Bottom-up Social Changing Initiatives[/b]

the panel aims to gather researchers in the social sciences to discuss the following themes around Sustainable Development Goals no. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 17:

[li]Financial inclusion and women empowerment (including sexual and reproductive rights)[/li] [li]Access to credit and social cohesion[/li] [li]Microfinance and right to education, health, housing and adequate standard of living[/li] [li]Microfinance and minority rights[/li] [li]Microfinance for climate change adaptation and mitigation actions[/li] [li]Drawbacks of financial inclusion: “financialisation of poverty”, debt trap, socio-economic vulnerability of borrowers, among others.[/li]

A call for papers is open to human rights scholars, researchers as well as Ph.D candidates [u]up to 16 September 2018[/u]

Notification of acceptance will be sent[u] by 10th October.[/u] For accepted abstracts, the submission of a working paper before the Conference is strongly encouraged. This will also help the[url=] opportunities of publication[/url].
There is no Conference fee.

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