Seminario blended di presentazione del volume “Financial Education and Risk Literacy”, Viale R., Filotto U., Alemanni B., Mousavi S., Editors, Edward Elgar 2020.
Riccardo Viale (Herbert Simon Society and Università Milano Bicocca), Magda Bianco (Bank of Italy), Giovanna Paladino (Museum of Saving), Umberto Filotto (University of Rome Tor Vergata and SDABocconi), Ralph Hertwig (Max Planck Institute for Human Development- Center for Adaptive Rationality), Hersh Shefrin (Vice-President of HSS and Santa Clara University – Leavey School of Business), Shabnam Mousavi (Max Planck Institute for Human Development), Barbara Alemanni (University of Genoa and SDA Bocconi), Andrea Donzelli (Credit Suisse), Nadia Linciano (Consob), Elsa Fornero (University of Turin).
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