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Finance for sustainability conference 19th June

[b]Call for papers[/b] The Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Piacenza campus organizes a conference on sustainability and finance.
A maximum of 8 papers will be selected by a Scientific Committee to be presented and discussed during the conference.
Consideration for acceptance will be given only to papers in English. Submitted papers should not exceed the maximum of 20 pages.

The Scientific Committee intends to encourage the following macro-topics:
• Carbon finance
• Corporate governance and corporate social responsibility
• Micro-finance
• Portfolio management
• Sustainability reporting
• Green bonds and climate related investment
• The impact of the Ethics rating on mutual funds and firms
• Ethic’s benchmarking methodology
• The influence of SRI and ESG on Institutional decision’s investment
• Risk evaluation and ethic morals in finance
• Natural resources and investment policies

For each selected paper, an author will be invited to present and discuss the paper during the conference (19th June 2019). The Università Cattolica will refund the travel costs and will support the accommodation costs for each presenting author.

Submission deadline: 10th April 2019
Communication of acceptance: 11th May 2019

As soon as possible a link to a dedicated website of the conference will be indicated.


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