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Int. Rome Conference on Money, Banking & Finance

The International Rome Conference on Money Banking and Finance is jointly organized by five universities of Rome (La Sapienza, Tor Vergata, Roma Tre, LUISS, and LUMSA), jointly with the Fordham University in New York. In occasion of the 25th anniversary Edition, the 2016 edition will be hosted by the University of Rome III on December 1 and 2, 2016.

We are very pleased to invite you to submit papers in all areas related to money, banking, and finance. Both theoretical and empirical papers are encouraged in areas.

There will be three keynote speakers: Viral V. Acharya (professor of Finance at the New York University, Stern School of Business), Andrea Enria (chairperson of the European Banking Authority), and Jordi Galí (Research Professor at the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics, Spain).

The MBF 2016 conference offers a wide range of best paper awards. Specifically, there be an award of 1000 euro (each) for the best paper presented at the “Young Economists Session”, the best paper dealing with Commercial and Asset-based Finance, the best paper dealing with corporate governance, and the best paper dealing with New challenges for the future of Italian and European banks. Details on the selection criteria for these awards are posted in the conference website.

The MBF 2016 conference is offered in partnership with the Journal of Financial Stability, Frontiers in Finance and Economics, Economic Notes, and Rivista Bancaria-Minerva Bancaria.

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