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Convegno Women in Fintech e Call for Paper

Gentili tutti,

Vi informo del Convegno multidisciplinare “Women in Fintech” che si terrà online nei pomeriggi del 22 e 23 Settembre, collegato alla Special Issue di Digital Finance (qui).

Il Programma preliminare delle due giornate è disponibile ai seguenti link e riportato in calce a questa comunicazione:

Day 1, Sept 22nd,

Day 2, Sept 23rd,

Il Comitato organizzatore, di cui faccio parte con altre colleghe del COST FinAI, ha organizzato due sessioni di “poster presentation”, per brevi presentazioni di lavori scientifici. Le tematiche su cui è possibile presentare un contributo includono:

  • Transparency in Fintech
  • Credit risk modelling
  • Asset pricing (Time-series & Cross-sectional Predictability)
  • Market risk analysis
  • Risk management
  • Portfolio choice/construction and performance evaluation
  • Sentiment/Textual analysis
  • Business process modelling
  • Technological developments that shape Fintech
  • Fintech regulatory frameworks and digital innovation in the interest of consumers and market efficiency
  • Fostering innovation and inventiveness in Fintech
  • Transparent versus Black Box Decision-Support Models in the Financial Industry
  • Transparency into Investment Product Performance for Clients

La submission avviene in due fasi:

  1. Per il convegno: Invio di un abstract di 100-300 parole entro il 3 settembre p.v. attraverso il seguente link
  2. Per la special issue: I contributi selezionati verranno invitati a sottomettere il paper completo alla Special Issue del Journal Digital Finance entro il 31 ottobre p.v.

Per l’ammissione del contributo al convegno e alla special issue, è necessario che almeno uno degli autori (preferibilmente il presenter) sia una donna.

Vi ringrazio per l’attenzione e vi invio un cordiale saluto,

Alessandra Tanda

per il comitato organizzatore: G. Pisoni, A. Paccagnini, C. Tarantola, A. Tanda, A. Shala & M. Kherbouche

—- programma preliminare —-

Sept 22nd (1st day)

14:00 – 15:00 Opening:Mare Codruta, STEM officer of the COST action, Introduction to the conference and COST action
Isabella Gollini, Assistant Professor in Statistics, Ladies in R & R Forwards

15:00 – 16:00 Keynote 1: Veni Arakelian, Senior Economist, Piraeus Bank. Public governance, fintech, and systemic risk: one big happy (?) family

16:00 – 17:00 Posters

17:00 – 17:45 Panel: “How can schools respond to gender bias and gender differences”

Moderator: Claudia Tarantola
Participants: Ceylan Onay, Professor of Finance and Founder of Digital Finance Working Group ( at Boğaziçi University
Maria Iannario, University of Naples
Albulena Shala, University of Prishtina


Sept 23rd (2nd day)
14:00 – 15:00 Keynote 2: Monica Achim, University Professor, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The new dimension of Economic and financial crime within the digital economy.

15:00 – 16:00 Panel: “Fintech diversity: wider EU perspective”

Moderator: Alessia Paccagnini

Participants: Rita Pimentel, NTNU, Associate Professor, Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management
Deniz Johnson, Fintech executive (Pera Partners) and University Lecturer, Turkey
Caren Schwannauer, Fintech practitioner, Fintechs in Germany, UK and Irish markets
Andrei Petroia, Associate Professor, Economic Studies Academy of Moldova, Director, Center for Financial and Budgetary Consulting and Analysis

16:00 – 17:00 Posters

17:00 – 17:45 Closing remarks, discussion: Paola Musile Tanzi, Full Professor Financial Markets and Institutions, University of Perugia


** tutti gli orari sono in CEST

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