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International Risk Management Conference 2022 – Florence, July 6-7, 2023 – 3 DAYS TO THE SUBMISSIONE DEADLINE!!

International Risk Management Conference 2023

16th Edition of the Annual Meeting of The Risk, Banking and Finance Society

Florence (Italy)

July 6-7, 2023



Risk Management in Times of Digital and Circular Economy

KEY DATES:                                                                                                            SUBMIT HERE

Call for Papers Deadline: April 28, 2023 (Full papers – Final Draft)

Paper Acceptance: May 10, 2023

The Risk Banking and Finance Society, in collaboration with the IRMC permanent organizers University of Florence, NYU Stern Salomon Center and Fundação Dom Cabral in the role of South American HUB, the co-organizer JRC-European Commission and this year’s host institution University of Florence invite you to join the 16th edition of the International Risk Management Conference in July 6-7, 2023 (Florence, Italy) which will bring together leading experts from various academic disciplines and professionals for a two days conference, including three keynote plenary sessions, three parallel featured sessions and a professional workshop.

The conference welcomes all relevant theoretical, methodological, and empirical contributions.

The conference will be a hybrid event with both in-person and online paper presentation options.


Keynote and Invited Speakers:

Keynotes speakers of the 16th edition are Edward I. Altman (NYU Stern), Menachem Brenner (NYU Stern), Yakov Amihud (NYU Stern), Elena Carletti (Bocconi University), Thierry Foucault (HEC, Paris), Peter Hansen (Univesity of North Carolina).


Best Paper Awards:

We are happy to announce the following awards:




Each paper will receive a prize of €1000.


Publication opportunities:

Special Issue of The Quarterly Journal of Finance

Guest Editors: Zvi Wiener (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Dan Galai (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) and Giampaolo Gabbi (SDA Bocconi)

The Quarterly Journal of Finance will publish a special issue devoted to IRMC2023. Authors of papers presented at IRMC2023 are invited to submit their papers to this special issue. The submission deadline will be subsequently to the conference.


Selected Papers on Journal of Credit Risk

The conference organizers, in collaboration with the editors of JCR, Nikunj Kapadia and Linda Allen, will invite the authors of selected conference papers to submit their manuscripts to the journal.


Practitioners’ Workshop on “Systemic risk and contagion: The Resurgence of Financial Instability” – moderated by Celso Brunetti (Federal Reserve Board)

Workshop speakers include Davide Alfonsi (Intesa Sanpaolo, Chief Risk Officer), Pierluigi Bologna (Bank of Italy, Head of Division in the Financial Stability Directorate) and Chiara Scotti (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Senior Vice President and Director of Research)


Organizing Committee:

Permanent Conference Organizers: Edward I. Altman (NYU Stern), Oliviero Roggi (University of Catania and FDC Dom Cabral), Celso Brunetti (Federal Reserve Board), Alessandro Giannozzi (University of Florence)

IRMC Co-organizer: JRC-European Commission, Francesca Campolongo, Lucia Alessi and Andrea Pagano

IRMC2023 Host Institution: University of Florence (Florence, Italy)

Scientific Committee Chairs: Menachem Brenner (NYU Stern), Chiara Scotti (Federal Reserve Board)


Conference Submission:

Full papers must be submitted by April 28, 2023. The accepted full papers will be presented in parallel sessions. Final minor revisions are acceptable. A maximum of two papers per person can be submitted but only one paper, if accepted, will be listed for presentation in the parallel sessions.

Abstract submission will entitle presenter to participate in the Poster Session only.

To Submit: electronic submission at click here

For Submission Details: click here

Permanent Scientific Committee: for info click here

Conference Management & Contact information:

The Risk, Banking and Finance Society

Email: – website:




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